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Nattaphat Wongweerachotkit

Ativich Kulngamnetr

Pharon Satsawatkaloon

Sirakit Charoenkitpisut


     The main goal of the project is to utilize available resources on Moon’s surface to their fullest extent, and build upon that to create a long-term sustainable space colony.  With the recent lunar expedition’s discovery of water ice in the polar regions of the moon, our hopes to space settlements becomes clearer than ever before.

  Our proposal can be divided into three phases.

     The first phase is to set up a temporary industrial site around lunar poles to build a preservation dome around ice body, preventing any sublimation that can occur, then proceed to mine the ice up, keeping it in solid state.  Meanwhile, we will prepare the power source infrastructure, the solar-powered Stirling Stations, and creating a breathable air, using reverse fuel cell method.  During this phase, only trees are not sufficient, since an average person needs the amount of oxygen produced by 8 trees to live normally.

    The second phase is to spread out from the pole and build permanent colonies.  Our approach is to use an angular rotating ring form dug into the moon regolith.  The different angles of the ring create different gravity zones while rotating at different velocity, saving power on the zones that does not require Earth-like gravity.  The Zones will be use differently, according to the G force created: the outermost ring with 1G is the city, middle ring is for agriculture and livestock, and innermost with the least G is where the rivers, lakes, and forests are.

Digging the structure into the ground will help regulate the sunlight during Moon’s “daytime”, while artificial lightings will be used during the “nighttime”.  Each colony will have a solar Stirling Station in the middle of the ring, powering the whole city with the help of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Battery, producing electricity and supplementary water.  Main source of water used will be the ice mined from the poles, transport down to colonies via electromagnetic tracks and superconductor train.  These tracks can work passively in the dark region of the moon, where the surface temperature averages around -200 degrees Celsius, matching the temperature of liquid nitrogen used as the coolant on Earth.

      The third phase is to further spread the colonies down towards the equator, linking all of them with the superconductor tracks.  At this point, the colonies will already be able to provide and sustain all the necessities on their own, so the ice supplies from the poles will stop. Remaining ice will be preserved for later if needed.With this method, human will be able to utilize full surface of the Moon.  Lunar base enables moon minerals mining, which mostly consist of metal, and a great outpost for space exploration.  When human successfully colonize another celestial body, it will be a great stepping stone to further journey into the vast, unlimited universe.






Eleven Magazine, UK


Conceptual design


International Competition


-- m2


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until 31 January 2017


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